Monday, April 4, 2016

500 KM Goal.

I really have been on a jogging strike lately. I don't know why or how, but I have been super duper motivated to jog everyday. Jogging has always been an exercise I enjoyed doing. Personally, I like doing it because a) it's like me time for my self (even though I have been having a lot of me time since I moved to the states) b) the sceneries I see whenever I jog c) I could enjoy listening to music while doing it d) it makes me happy for some reasons e)lastly, I just feel damn good after a good jog.

Just last week itself, I jogged up to 32.95KM, which is making me feel pretty darn proud about myself. One of my life goal this year was to actually join a full marathon, but then I checked around and could not found any that I could go for. So, yesterday while I was jogging I was asking myself how I could continue this strike through a whole year and I thought, instead of having a goal of a marathon, how about setting an accumulated distance I should run for the year. 

Then I thought that 100KM is a good distance to start with. I got back home and started calculating the total distance that I have ran this year so far and found out that, I actually have ran this much so far: 

January 2016: 30.5 KM
February 2016: 15.8KM
March 2016: 30.8KM
April 2016: 16.2KM
TOTAL: 94.3 KM

The total really took me by surprise. I know I have been jogging more this year compared to last year, but I just didn't know it was that much more. There and then I decided that if I can almost reach, into the fourth month of the year, I can reach much more throughout the year and that was when I decided to make the 500KM goal. At first, 500KM seems pretty unrealistic, then I started doing the math again:
Goal of this year: 500KM
Distance I have achieved so far: 94.3KM
Distance left for the remaining 9 months: 405.7 KM
Distance to achieve each month: 45.08KM
Distance to achieve each week: 11.27 KM

and I realize I can actually do this!

Yeoh Eening

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